Jeuveau™ Has Arrived in Glastonbury, CT

Jeuveau™ in Glastonbury, CTBotox® has long been the reigning champion in the world of wrinkle reduction, until now. There’s a new solution on the scene, approved by the FDA and available in our Hartford area offices.

Jeuveau™ is an injectable neurotoxin that works to fight gravity and aging in the face. It slows down the process of wrinkle formation and often is able to correct lines that have already formed. One of the main differences between Jeuveau™ and Botox® is that Jeuveau™ has a more affordable price point, which may appeal to some patients.

How Jeuveau™ Works

Jeuveau™ can be injected between the eyebrows or in the corners of the eyes. It is meant to freeze the natural, repetitive muscle contractions that cause the formation of deep wrinkles on the face and around the eyes. Jeuveau™ prevents your nerves from telling your facial muscles to flex, which stops the creation of creases in common places like frown lines between the brows or crow’s feet by the side of the eyes.

What is Jeuveau™ Recovery Like?

Much like with Botox® and other injectables, the recovery time needed after a Jeuveau™ treatment is nearly nonexistent. The procedure can be easily completed during a quick, lunchtime appointment and patients should be able to return to their lives directly afterward.  Some slight redness, swelling, and pain may be present around the injection site, but it should subside quickly.

What Results Will I See With Jeuveau™?

Like with Botox®, the results of a Jeuveau™ treatment are temporary, lasting anywhere from 3-6 months. It is common for patients to return for treatment two or three times per year. Patients can expect a reduction of lines and wrinkles and an overall smoother, more youthful appearance.

Since every patient is different, be sure to discuss with Dr. Beam whether Jeuveau™ or Botox® better serves your needs.

To find out which procedure is right for you, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Dr. Beam serves the Glastonbury and Hartford, Connecticut areas.