For more youthful, beautiful lips, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Beam, offers lip augmentations for patients in Glastonbury, Hartford, New Britain, New Haven and surrounding areas of Connecticut.
Your lips are an important focal point on your face, displaying your emotions and delivering your ideas to the world. Full, smooth lips have always been thought of as an aesthetic ideal symbolizing youth, vitality, and sensuality. Unfortunately, as we age, lines can develop, and lips can become less defined on the face with creases appearing along the edges of the lips. Dr. Beam can help patients regain their confidence and youthful looks with a lip augmentation in the Hartford area.
What is Lip Augmentation?
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Utilizing injectable fillers specially made for smoother or plumper lips, a lip augmentation can restore fullness to your lips and eliminate fine lines on the lips and around the mouth. Some patients opt for a fat transfer instead, which can deliver fat from other areas of your body such as the abdomen to your lips to rejuvenate them. Dr. Beam focuses on plump, rich lips that still look natural so that others won’t be able to tell right away that you’ve had work done, but you will look your very best with a restored, youthful mouth.
What Are My Options for Lip Augmentation?
Depending on your own goals and needs, Dr. Beam will help you decide between lip augmentation options. Some patients choose fillers, such as Restylane®, Juvederm®, or Volbella® to add volume to the lips. Other patients are a better fit for fat injections, where fat cells are collected from another area of the body and used to plump your lips. What you decide depends on your unique anatomy and your personal vision for your aesthetic ideal, as well as how long you want your results to last. The procedure for injectable fillers is simpler and quicker, but the results for fat transfer can last longer in most patients. Dr. Beam is here to outline all of your potential choices in person and help you find the right option for you.
Who is a Good Candidate for Lip Augmentation?
Most men and women who want fuller lips and a smoother mouth area, with lines around the lips eliminated, are good candidates for lip augmentation. The simple procedure options are done on an out-patient basis and typically take under an hour for one session, where you can go about your day immediately afterward. If you are in good general health, don’t hesitate to set up a consultation with Dr. Beam to find out more about your lip augmentation options.
How Much Does a Lip Augmentation Cost?
The cost of a lip augmentation varies depending on the method you decide upon and the results you desire. Since this is a cosmetic treatment, most insurance will typically not cover the cost. Dr. Beam and his staff can discuss all pricing and financing options with you at your initial consultation. Typically, the injectable for the lips costs approximately $600 per syringe. We happily accept cash, money orders, certified and/or bank checks, major credit cards, and personal checks. In addition, for your convenience, we offer easy financing plans through Prosper Healthcare Lending and CareCredit so that you can afford the procedure of your dreams today.
Click Here to See our Lip Augmentation Before and After Photos!
Board-certified plastic surgeon, Harold E. Beam, M.D., offers lip augmentations to patients seeking fuller, more youthful lips in Glastonbury, New Britain, Hartford, New Haven and surrounding areas of Connecticut. Contact Dr. Beam today to schedule your consultation!