Arm Lift in Glastonbury, CT

Dr. Beam offers arm lift surgery for patients in Glastonbury, New Britain, Hartford, New Haven and surrounding areas of Connecticut.

Many factors can contribute to drooping, sagging arms such as weight fluctuations, aging and even heredity. Exercising and dieting can help to rid of excess fat or strengthen arm muscles. However, it will not help with excess sagging skin. If you have been struggling with sagging underarms, then an arm lift surgery—or brachioplasty–with Dr. Beam may be the solution.

How is an Arm Lift Performed?

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The incision made by Dr. Beam will depend on the location and amount of excess skin to be removed. There may be an incision on the inner arm, back of the arm, or in the armpit. Then, the underlying tissue is tightened and reshaped. For some patients, liposuction is also used to remove excess fat. Finally, the skin is smoothed over your arm, and incisions are closed.

What Can I Expect After an Arm Lift?

Prior to surgery, Dr. Beam will provide you with all of the post-operative information you may need. Most patients experience bruising and swelling which should subside with oral pain medication. We will ask that you refrain from exercising for a few weeks, depending on your case.

How Much Does Arm Lift Surgery Cost?

Since arm lift surgery is considered a cosmetic procedure, insurance will not cover the cost of surgery. The cost for an arm lift depends on the severity of sagging and loose skin under your arms. Dr. Beam and his staff can discuss all pricing and financing options with you at your initial consultation.

Click Here to See Our Arm Lift Before and After Photos!

Harold E. Beam M.D. offers plastic and cosmetic surgery to patients in Glastonbury, New Britain, Hartford, New Haven and surrounding areas of Connecticut. Contact Dr. Beam today to schedule your consultation!