Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.

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When is Fat Transfer to the Breasts an Alternate Option to a Traditional Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation in Glastonbury, CTThe fat transfer breast augmentation technique offers patients a unique opportunity to avoid the traditional breast augmentation surgery, and the use of breast implants, but still enhance the size of the breasts. With the relative lack of surgery on the breasts, many patients assume that the fat transfer would be a preferred technique for breast augmentation. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Below, we’ll tell you when a fat transfer is a good alternative to a traditional breast augmentation – and when it isn’t!

When to Consider a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a more “natural” breast augmentation technique, using fat from your own body to augment the breasts. This approach has some distinct advantages, which often get the attention of patients who would like to avoid extensive surgery.

Primarily, a fat transfer offers the benefit of reduced surgery and scarring in the breasts. This is because fat is injected into the breasts during a fat transfer – it’s not placed surgically like a breast implant. As a result, patients experience little to no scarring in the breasts and a reduced recovery period. An additional benefit is the fact the treatment requires patients to harvest fat from another area of the body, which can further enhance the figure.

In short, a fat transfer breast augmentation is best suited for patients who want the minimal recovery period.

When to Consider a Traditional Breast Augmentation

Despite the substantial benefits of a fat transfer breast augmentation, a traditional breast augmentation is typically the better choice for most patients. This is because a traditional breast augmentation delivers much more predictable results. When a fat transfer is performed, not all of the fat survives the treatment. Even if your results look great the day after treatment, they may partially dissolve in the weeks and months that follow. Similarly, your body fat will naturally break down over time. This means that if the fat survives the initial transfer, it may still dissolve in the years that follow.

By using breast implants, these issues can be avoided. Patients can select the exact shape, size and material of their breast implants prior to their surgery. This gives them complete control in the outcome of their procedure, whereas a fat transfer may not produce the exact results you are hoping for. Additionally, breast implants are designed to be life-long devices. You don’t have to worry about the implants dissolving or fading over time. There are risks involved with implants, of course, but they can be easily managed by a responsible individual. Plus, if you’re discouraged by scarring, you needn’t be. With modern surgical techniques, incisions made for the breast augmentation procedure can be discreetly placed so that you are the only one who knows they’re there.

Which Breast Augmentation Technique is Right for Me?

Both the fat transfer breast augmentation and the traditional breast augmentation have their advantages, so it’s important to consider the decision carefully when planning your breast augmentation. If you need help determining which of these options is best for you, contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Beam.

Augmented Look Vs. Natural Look in Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation in Glastonbury, CTWe all know there are two different types of looks that come with a breast augmentation. While some patients wish to enhance their natural features and keep their augmentation subtle, others still wish to achieve the popular augmented look from the 1990s and early 2000s. Today, we wanted to share with you how to achieve your desired look, whether it’s more a subtle change or a more vintage look.

The Natural Look

Natural-looking breast augmentations have flooded the market in recent years. This type of breast augmentation aims to maintain as much of the natural look and feel of the breast as possible while adding enough volume to enhance the patient’s natural features. The biggest appeal to a natural-looking breast augmentation is that no one will know you have implants unless you want them to know.

How to Get the Natural Look

When considering a natural-looking breast augmentation, we encourage you to consider the following:

  • Sub-muscular placement of the breast implants
  • Choosing a moderate-sized breast implant for a subtle, yet noticeable enhancement
  • Limiting the width of the breast implant to heighten a natural appearance
  • Choosing a silicone implant versus a saline implant
  • Nipples sitting on the point on the breast with the most projection

The Augmented Look

When we talk about the augmented look, what we refer to is the type of breast augmentation that was most popular in the days of Baywatch and Showgirls. This type of breast augmentation is often characterized by proportionately large breasts with prominent cleavage and a dramatic contoured effect. People we most often think of when we think of the augmented look include Pamela Anderson and Anna Nicole Smith.

How to Get the Augmented Look

To get a more traditional augmented look form your breast augmentation, we encourage you to consider the following:

  • Sub-glandular placement of the breast implants
  • Choosing large implants that are slightly disproportionate to your body
  • Creating prominent cleavage without the use of a bra
  • Choosing high-profile implants for a more lifted position on the chest

Remember, It’s Up to You

No matter which look you choose, it’s important to remember why you’re getting a breast augmentation in the first place. Dr. Harold Beam and his expert staff are proud to offer patients the results they desire and the self-confidence they deserve.

To learn more about what you can expect during your breast augmentation, contact us to schedule your private consultation with Dr. Beam. In light of recent events, we are now offering virtual consultations that allow you to get all of your questions answered from the comfort and safety of your very own home.

The Secret To Getting The Most Natural-Looking Breast Implants

Breast Implants in Glastonbury, CTWhen it comes to breast augmentation, our patients are always concerned about how their chest is going to look post-op. In an age where natural looks best, we want to ensure our patients that their breasts will look exactly how they desire when they take the right precautions. Today, we wanted to share with you our tips to getting the most natural-looking results from your breast augmentation, so you can live your best life with breasts you love.

Bigger Isn’t Always Better

When we think of most things, we typically think “bigger is always better.” This phrase does not necessarily work with breast implants. Choosing the right breast implants for you involves choosing the right breast implants for your natural frame and lifestyle. This means that a more active and petite woman who wishes to have natural-looking augmented breasts should gravitate towards smaller, more modest breast implants that will enhance her natural features rather than bombard them.

Consider Where Your Implant is Placed

Believe it or not, the area in which your breast implant is placed in your body can make all the difference in their appearance. While an over-the-muscle approach was most common back in the ‘90s and early 2000s, modern techniques allow doctors to place the breast implant under-the-muscle for a more natural-looking appearance. Not only does this enhance the natural look and feel of the breast, but it also prevents visible scarring, drooping and stretching from occurring following surgery.

The Type of Implant Makes a Difference

Unfortunately, not all breast implants are created equal. While saline breast implants are more budget friendly and can be used for younger patients, we always recommend those who seek a more natural look to consider silicone breast implants. These implants have a more natural-feeling texture to them and don’t ripple under the skin the way saline implants tend to.

Choose Your Surgeon Wisely

The most important piece of advice we can give you to get a more natural-looking breast augmentation is to do your research when choosing your plastic surgeon. We highly recommend choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic breast augmentation and breast enhancement, like Dr. Harold Beam. With more than 20 years of extensive training and experience, Dr. Beam can guarantee natural-looking results that enhance your body’s natural features.

To learn more about breast augmentation and how you can get the most natural-looking enhanced breasts, we encourage you to contact us at your convenience. In light of recent events, we are now offering virtual consultations that allow you to get all of your questions answered from the comfort and safety of your very own home.

The Top 10 Most Common Plastic Surgeries and What Glastonbury Residents Should Know

Plastic Surgery in Glastonbury, CTPlastic surgery is more common than you might think. Furthermore, there are some treatments within the realm of plastic surgery that have become incredibly popularized and highly requested. Below, we’ll take a look at 10 of the most common plastic surgeries and what you need to know about them.

1.   Breast Augmentation

Breast enhancement via breast augmentation is the single most popular plastic surgery procedure. It involves the use of implants to enhance the size and shape of the breasts, as well as the proportions of the entire figure. Patients typically have the choice between saline and silicone implants, with silicone implants becoming a more popular option for their natural look and feel. Recovery is typically about two to four weeks before you can resume normal activities.

2.   Liposuction

Liposuction is another highly popular treatment that uses vacuum technology to remove fat cells from the body. Lipo can be performed nearly anywhere on the body, giving patients great flexibility when enhancing their figure. Most patients are able to resume normal activities within days of treatment, with some minor side effects persisting for a few weeks.

3.   Abdominoplasty

Another name for the tummy tuck procedure, abdominoplasty surgery removes excess skin and fat from the stomach to produce a flatter, toned appearance. The abdominal muscles are also tightened to enhance results. This procedure requires some notable downtime, typically about three to four weeks.

4.   Facelift

Facelifts are one of the most touted plastic surgery procedures, offering patients a simple solution to restoring a youthful appearance to the face. It can be combined with many other facial surgery techniques for more comprehensive results. While full recovery can take a few weeks, patients are typically back to normal activities within four to six weeks.

5.   Rhinoplasty

A nose job, or rhinoplasty, can be incredibly powerful in enhancing the overall balance and appearance of the face. If you experience conditions like a deviated septum or breathing difficulties, part of this procedure may even be covered by insurance. Rhinoplasty can take up to a year to heal completely, but most patients are back to normal within one to two weeks.

6.   Breast Lift

A breast lift restores the breasts to a youthful, perky position, and is a great option for women who have just completed pregnancy or breastfeeding. It can also be combined with the breast augmentation procedure to add volume and shape to the breasts in the process. Patients can expect a few weeks off usual activities, with a full recovery in about a month.

7.   Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a procedure that targets the eyelids to produce a more youthful, relaxed appearance. This procedure is ideal for addressing sagging eyelids that impair your vision, as well as the appearance of bags under the eyes. Patients can expect two weeks of initial recovery, with a near-full recovery in about a month.

8.   Breast Reduction

A breast reduction, in addition to enhancing a woman’s figure, can also be performed to alleviate the pain or discomfort of having large breasts. As this goes beyond cosmetic benefits, breast reductions are frequently covered by health insurance providers. The recovery is similar to that of a breast lift.

9.   Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery removes tissue in the chest to help men achieve a more sculpted, masculine appearance. Gynecomastia is a condition that cannot be improved with diet and exercise, leaving surgery to be the most effective treatment option. Patients can expect about a week of downtime with full recovery in less than a month.

10.   Forehead Lift

The forehead lift targets wrinkles and lines on the forehead, tightening the skin to rejuvenate the appearance. It can be combined with a facelift or eyelid surgery for greater results. Performed alone, however, you can expect about ten days to two weeks of recovery, with full recovery a few weeks later.

Want to Learn More About These Surgeries?

To learn more about the plastic surgery procedures mentioned above, or to determine if these treatments are right for you, contact us today at Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery.

Natural Breast Augmentation Options: Which One is Right for You?

Breast Implants in Glastonbury, CTThe fear of unsatisfactory results is the number one reason patients choose not to receive a breast augmentation. It’s a perfectly reasonable concern, as some breast augmentation procedures can produce unnatural-looking results in the breasts. This was certainly a problem in the past, when breast surgery was still new and techniques were still being developed. Today, however, with a quality surgeon, your breast augmentation can look and feel perfectly natural. Below, we’ll take a look at some of your options when it comes to achieving a natural breast augmentation.

Breast Implants

Breast implants are the more common breast augmentation method. When it comes to breast implants, there are two main types: saline and silicone. Saline implants have a gel-like shell, and are filled with a sterile saltwater solution. Silicone implants are made entirely of gel, offering a more consistent texture and shape. Many patients agree that silicone implants offer a more natural look and feel. Saline implants offer the benefit of requiring smaller incisions, often resulting in less scarring and shorter recovery time. However, many patients agree that silicone implants offer a more natural look and feel. At Harold E. Beam Plastic Surgery, we also offer Ideal® Implants, which are a hybrid implant that offers benefits of both saline and silicone implants.

Depending on your goals, implants can be placed either below or above the pectoral muscles. At the time of your consultation, Harold E. Beam M.D. and our APRN’s will determine which is best for you.  Placement beneath the muscle offers a more natural look and feel, while extending recovery time. Conversely, placement above the muscle makes a more comfortable recovery, but may compromise on the look and feel of your results.

Which One is Right for Me?

If you are still having trouble deciding on the type of breast augmentation technique that is best for you, contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Harold E. Beam. We can help you find the breast augmentation option that will satisfy all of your needs.

Can a Breast Lift be Done Without Implants?

Breast Lift in Glastonbury, CTA woman’s breasts are an important part of her physique. A mastopexy, or breast lift, won’t just lift your breasts, it’ll also lift your spirits. There’s a common belief that you must get breast implants when you get a breast lift, but is that really true? Let’s go over the differences between a breast lift and breast augmentation to clear up the muddy waters.

What is a Breast Lift?

A mastopexy, or breast lift, is a procedure in which excess skin is removed from the breasts and the breasts are placed at a higher position on the chest. This surgery does not add volume to the breasts but does add to the shape and position of the breasts.

Benefits of a breast lift include:

  • Perkier and shapelier breasts
  • Breasts sitting higher on the chest
  • Nipples facing outward on the center of the chest

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a procedure in which breast implants are introduced into the chest to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. Unlike a breast lift, breast augmentation does not have to do with the position of the breasts on the chest. Making the breasts larger may give the appearance of a perkier chest, but in reality, no skin has been removed to cause this result.

Benefits of breast augmentation include:

  • Breast implants add volume to the breasts
  • The illusion of the breasts sitting higher on the chest
  • Shapelier breasts

Can a Breast Lift be Done Without Breast Implants?

In short, absolutely! The breast lift and breast augmentation are two separate procedures for a reason. A breast lift can be done without the use of implants to enlarge the breasts for patients who are just looking for a perkier chest. A breast augmentation can be done without a breast lift for patients who are just looking to add to the size of their breasts, and not the position.

Some people feel getting a breast lift without augmentation is like having peanut butter without chocolate – they’re both good on their own, but they’re better together. While these two procedures are separate, the breast lift and breast augmentation do go hand-in-hand and work together to give you the perfect breasts. When you receive a breast lift, you may lose slight volume in your chest, which can be supplemented with a breast implant. This is why many of our patients feel it is necessary to have a breast lift and breast augmentation done at the same time.

Are you interested in learning more about your breast enhancement options? Call us today to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Beam today. He’ll talk to you about your concerns and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you reach your cosmetic goals.

Your Ultimate Guide to the Mommy Makeover

Plastic Surgery in Glastonbury, CTExcess skin and sagging breasts will never be a look that makes us feel confident. Whether having children has taken a toll on your body or you’ve just finished your dramatic weight loss journey, your body doesn’t look the way you thought it would at this point. Let the mommy makeover help you get the body you want and deserve.

What is Included in a Mommy Makeover?

The mommy makeover is a combination of body rejuvenation procedures to help patients get the overall body they desire. This includes procedures to tighten the tummy, perk up the chest and rejuvenate more intimate areas. Popular procedures included in a mommy makeover include:

How Long Does it Take to Recover from a Mommy Makeover?

Because a mommy makeover involves a combination of procedures being done at one time, it can take up to two to three months to fully recover from your surgeries. While only the first two weeks or so requires you to be on bed rest, you will not be able to lift more than 25 pounds for the first several weeks following your surgery. During your recovery, we recommend that you recruit a buddy to help you with your everyday activities. This buddy should be a close friend, family member or significant other, as they will most likely have to help you with the bathroom and preparing food.

How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost?

The cost of your mommy makeover is going to vary widely depending on the type and number of procedures you choose to get to achieve your desired results. The best way to find out the cost of your procedure is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Beam. He’ll sit down with you, listen to your concerns and develop a fully customized treatment plan to help you get the body you’ve been dreaming of. Dr. Beam also has financing options and monthly specials to make your treatments as affordable as possible.

What to Consider Before Your Mommy Makeover

While the mommy makeover may seem like the ultimate solution to your body’s needs, there are still a few things you need to keep in mind before having your surgery.

  1. You still need to be at a healthy weight. The mommy makeover can help you look more slim and trim, but it can’t do all the weight loss for you. We recommend being within 25 pounds of your weight goal going in.
  2. You’ll need to budget accordingly. While specials and financing options are available, the mommy makeover is still multiple procedures being done at once. Make sure to talk to Dr. Beam about your budget before committing.
  3. You should ideally be done having children. Yes, it is safe to get pregnant after your mommy makeover, but another pregnancy can reverse the results of your procedure. We recommend you get a mommy makeover when you stop having kids to maintain your results.

Are you interested in learning more about how you can benefit from a mommy makeover? Contact our office today to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Beam.

Can Weight Loss Affect My Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation in Glastonbury, CTWe all want to be the very best versions of ourselves. Whether that means going to the gym a few extra times a month, or getting a little help from Dr. Beam, we are all trying to improve upon ourselves. However, sometimes these changes coincide. Today, we’re going to talk about what can happen if you lose a significant amount of weight after your breast augmentation.

What You Should Know Before Getting Breast Implants

Before going through with your breast augmentation, there are a few things you should consider. When getting a breast augmentation, it’s always important to note that the body will change as your hormones and age changes. Our breasts can get bigger at special times of the month or during pregnancy, and tend to slope south as we age. While breast augmentation can help with the fullness and volume of your breasts, it cannot stop the body’s natural processes. It’s best you talk to your doctor about your expectations during your consultation.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

There are many benefits to getting a breast augmentation done at Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery, including:

  • Adding size and volume to the size of your breasts.
  • Correcting uneven breast sizes and placement on the chest.
  • Improving overall self-image and self-confidence.

While these benefits may seem obvious, these are important factors to keep in mind when considering breast augmentation.

Will Losing Weight Affect the Placement of my Breast Implants?

In short, losing a significant amount of weight may end up affecting the size, shape, and placement of your breasts after a breast augmentation. Just like if you were to forego the surgery, the size and shape of your breasts are dependent on your overall body weight. When we lose weight, our skin has a hard time bouncing back to its original position. This can affect the position and shape of your breasts, even after a breast enhancement surgery. If you plan to lose a significant amount of weight, we recommend holding off on your breast augmentation.

What is the Ideal Weight for Breast Augmentation?

Now, let’s get to the nitty-gritty. When considering breast augmentation, you should be within 10 pounds of your ideal weight, either above or below. These 10-pound fluctuations won’t affect the size, placement and shape of your breasts. If you plan on losing more than 20 pounds in the near future, we recommend holding off on the surgery until you hit your goal weight. If you’re unsure if the procedure is right for you at this time, talk to your doctor during your breast augmentation consultation.

If you are considering breast augmentation, but are unsure if you’re at the right stage in your life for it, contact our office today and schedule a consultation with Dr. Beam. He’ll sit down with you, listen to your concerns help you determine a personalized treatment plan.

What Glastonbury Residents Should Know About the Top 10 Plastic Surgeries

With the number of plastic surgery procedures performed booming in the last decade, it’s not hard to see how many cosmetic procedures have become common household terms. Currently, the top 10 most requested plastic surgery procedures include liposuction, breast augmentation, blepharoplasty, abdominoplasty, breast reduction, rhinoplasty, facelift, breast lift, forehead lift, and gynecomastia treatments. As these procedures become more normalized, you may be curious about what plastic surgery can do for you. We’ve compiled some useful information about the three most requested procedures in plastic surgery today.

Plastic Surgery in Glastonbury CT

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck, is useful in removing excess skin and tightening remaining skin in the abdominal area. The procedure is popular among women who find themselves with unsightly skin folds after being pregnant or losing a significant amount of weight. The ideal candidate for this procedure has excess sagging skin they desire to remove, without excess fat deposits in the abdominal region.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is typically regarded as a procedure for women wanting to enlarge their breasts. While not untrue, this procedure can be performed for a number of reasons, such as to replace a breast that is absent, to even out the appearance of asymmetrical breasts, or to correct instances where the breasts do not develop during puberty. The procedure allows you to choose between different implant options, with silicone implants rising in popularity. Many women choose a silicone implant over saline because of the more natural feel and appearance they produce.


Widely regarded as the most popular cosmetic procedure, rhinoplasty is an excellent option for those wishing to reduce the overall size of their nose or refine certain areas for a more aesthetically pleasing effect. The contouring effects of this procedure can bring the most central aspect of our face into balance with its surroundings. Rhinoplasty can also correct structural issues, such as a deviated septum, which may affect the quality of breathing.

Schedule a Plastic Surgery Consultation

The friendly team at Harold E. Beam Plastic Surgery is proud to offer these popular plastic surgery procedures and more to the people of Connecticut. To inquire for more information or to schedule a consult, contact our office today. Dr. Beam’s practice is conveniently located near Glastonbury, Hartford, New Britain, New Haven, and the surrounding areas of Connecticut.

Glastonbury Residents Ask: Can a Breast Lift be Done Without Implants?

Most women that experience pregnancy, weight loss, or loss of skin elasticity due to aging may begin to notice a gradual drooping of their breasts. While breast sagging is entirely natural, this change in a woman’s body may cause discomfort or lower self-esteem. Breast lift surgery is widely-known as an effective procedure to correct this issue, leaving the breasts perkier and more youthful than before. However, many women shy away from this procedure because of concerns over the safety and longevity of breast implants. Luckily, Dr. Harold E. Beam skillfully performs breast lift procedures for women without the use of breast implants.

What Are the Benefits of a Breast Lift?

Many women who are experiencing gradual sagging of their breasts wish to restore them to a more youthful appearance. A breast lift can accomplish this by restoring a fuller, rounder shape to the breasts for a younger, more rejuvenated look.

Breast Lift in Glastonbury, CT

Can a Breast Lift Be Performed Without Breast Implants?

The option to have a breast lift performed with or without a breast augmentation depends on the ultimate goals of the patient. If the patient desires a perkier appearance to her breasts along with more volume, breast augmentation is recommended in conjunction with a breast lift.

However, if she is content with the volume of her breasts, a breast lift alone can be performed. During the procedure, an incision is made around the areola and/or down the front of the breast and breast crease depending on the degree of sagging. The breast is then pulled, tightened, and the nipple and areola are moved to a higher position to reveal perkier breasts with a more pleasing overall shape.

Schedule a Breast Lift Consultation

When performed by an experienced surgeon like Dr. Harold E. Beam, a breast lift procedure can boost a woman’s self-esteem, making her feel more confident and feminine. Dr. Beam and his staff provide breast lift procedures along with other breast enhancing procedures at locations in Glastonbury, Hartford, New Britain, New Haven, and the surrounding areas of Connecticut. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Harold E. Beam, MD plastic surgery today.

Harold E. Beam, M.D.

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