Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.

Starting to
see Lines &
wrinkles ?

Its time for
Fillers &


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CoolSculpting® in Glastonbury, CT

Coolsculpting in Glastonbury, CTSummer may be over, but having a toned and tightened body is always in style. If you look in the mirror and you’re unhappy with the appearance of your belly, legs, arms, or anywhere else that fat gathers, CoolSculpting® can help. This fat-freezing technology freezes away any unwanted and stubborn fat. This procedure is beneficial to both men and women, and can be used on many areas of the body.

What is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is a freezing treatment that works to target stubborn areas of fat. These fatty pockets may be on your abdomen, thighs, arms or back. CoolSculpting® freezes the fat cells and your lymphatic system flushes them out. This treatment is designed to help patients who have been regularly exercising and eating well but are struggling with stubborn pockets of fat.

CoolSculpting® delivers controlled and targeted cooling to the skin. This transfers to the cells under the skin and the treated cells die. This treatment does not provide immediate results. Instead, the body will flush the dead cells out little by little and you will see gradual results.

What are the Benefits of CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® has several benefits. This procedure is non-invasive and non-surgical. This means that there is no need for downtime or recovery. This treatment is safe and has been proven to be effective in a variety of patient types.

There is no downtime following this procedure, so you are able to return to your normal activities immediately after. Additionally, there may be some discomfort or pain associated with CoolSculpting®, but it varies with patient to patient. Some patients may see some swelling after the procedure, but this typically goes away within a few weeks.

Who Can Undergo CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is safe most adult men and women. This procedure should not be treated as a weight loss solution and is not ideal for patients who have more than a few pounds to lose before reaching their goal weight.

What is the Cost?

CoolSculpting® costs vary from patient to patient. The size of the area that is treated will directly affect the cost of your CoolSculpting® procedure. A consultation with Dr. Beam or his nurse practitioners will give you a better idea of how much your treatment will cost. Financing is also available for patients with approved credit.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Beam or his nurse practitioners, contact us today. We are happy to help patients get past the last few pounds holding them back from their goal weight. Additionally, we want to help our patients look and feel their best.

Loose Skin Solutions in Glastonbury, CT

Tummy Tuck in Glastonbury, CT

Tummy Tuck in Glastonbury, CTLoose skin can be incredibly frustrating for those who experience it. Whether you find yourself with loose skin as a result of aging, pregnancy, or a successful weight loss regimen, you can easily become discouraged. Sagging skin and fatty deposits often do not respond to diet and exercise, and it can be a real problem for your self-image. Luckily, there are options available for those with troublesome loose skin in the Hartford area.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a procedure that is designed to sculpt your midsection for a flatter, slimmer waistline. During the procedure, Dr. Beam will make a gently curved incision horizontally along the lower abdomen. The length of the scar depends on how much excess skin needs to be removed. Through this incision, excessive fat is removed and the underlying muscles are tightened. The excess skin is then removed. The result is a trimmer, more sculpted waistline.


Liposuction has long been one of the most utilized procedures for people who desire a trimmer silhouette in certain areas. During liposuction, the area is injected with a solution that will loosen the fat cells and numb the area. A hollow needle is then inserted and suction is utilized to remove the fat. At times, patients will often combine liposuction with a tummy tuck for a more comprehensive result.


For a non-surgical option, CoolSculpting® is an FDA-approved treatment that freezes away stubborn fat deposits. Targeting only fat cells, CoolSculpting® involves no incisions, no injections, and no anesthetics. The procedure involves clamping a section of fat and freezing it from outside the body. Once the cells have been treated, your body will naturally eliminate the frozen, dead cells. This procedure is performed in the office, typically it requires more than one treatment.

To find out which procedure is right for you, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Dr. Beam serves the Glastonbury, Hartford, New London, and Tolland, Connecticut areas.

Three Facelift Facts Glastonbury Residents Should Know

Facelift in Glastonbury, CT

Facelift in Glastonbury, CTAging affects us all differently, but no matter what, gravity plays a role. As time goes on, our faces can lose volume and start to sag. It is possible to delay these effects utilizing dermal fillers and injectables, but at a certain point, you may start considering a more permanent option, such as a facelift.

One of the most common and trusted procedures, a facelift is a great way to take years off of your appearance. Before deciding if a facelift is right for you, consider these three important facts.

  1. It’s Not All in the Skin

A facelift isn’t just about stretching and tightening the skin on your face. While this plays a big part, care is also given to lifting and tightening the muscles, and reshaping the contours of the face before draping and securing the skin. This assures a more vibrant, youthful, and natural-looking result.

  1. Recovery is Less Painful than Perceived

Considering how often you use your face and how invasive the procedure is, it’s easy to imagine that the recovery from a facelift procedure would be quite painful and drawn out. The truth is, many patients are surprised at the low levels of pain they feel. Most people only require pain meds for the first two days. Day three is often the worst for swelling and tightness, but by day five, the majority of these symptoms will have subsided, and you will be on the road to recovery.

  1. Lasting Results

While aging carries a different look for all of us, some things are universal. Unlike with certain other procedures, the results of a successful facelift are likely to last indefinitely. Many patients report enjoying their improved appearances for the rest of their lives.

To find out if a facelift is right for you, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Dr. Beam serves the Glastonbury and Hartford, Connecticut areas.

Liposuction After 10 Years: What to Expect in Glastonbury, CT

In the immortal words of Kanye West, you are either considering or already went to the doctor and got “lipo” with your money. You may be wondering if the money you spent on liposuction was worth it; how long do these results last anyway? Below we describe what you can expect 10 years after your liposuction procedure and some of the best practices to maintain your results long-term.

What Will My Liposuction Results Look Like In 10 Years?

Liposuction in Glastonbury CT

The human body has a set number of fat cells that expand or shrink as our weight fluctuates, which explains why we sometimes experience stubborn pockets of fat that won’t disappear regardless of healthy diet and exercise. However, with liposuction, these fat deposits are removed as a cannula suctions them out of the body. Once removed, these fat cells are gone forever and cannot return. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to regain fat in the treated areas. Fat cells that remain are still able to expand during weight gain, producing a fuller figure, albeit in better proportion to the rest of the untreated body. In essence, your results in 10 years depend entirely on whether or not you make the correct choices to maintain them.

How Can I Maintain Long-Term Results?

The most important ways to maintain the results of liposuction are to follow a regular exercise regimen, drink water, make healthy diet choices, and reduce stress. It is important to note that even the healthiest of lifestyles cannot fully pause the aging process. While creating healthy habits can increase the longevity of your liposuction results, your body will still age naturally throughout the course of a decade.

Schedule Your Liposuction Consultation

Dr. Harold E. Beam and his experienced staff provide quality liposuction procedures and long-lasting results to the people of Connecticut. To inquire for more information or to schedule a consult, contact our office today. Harold E. Beam Plastic Surgery is conveniently located near Glastonbury, Hartford, New Britain, New Haven, and the surrounding areas of Connecticut.

What Glastonbury Residents Should Know About the Top 10 Plastic Surgeries

With the number of plastic surgery procedures performed booming in the last decade, it’s not hard to see how many cosmetic procedures have become common household terms. Currently, the top 10 most requested plastic surgery procedures include liposuction, breast augmentation, blepharoplasty, abdominoplasty, breast reduction, rhinoplasty, facelift, breast lift, forehead lift, and gynecomastia treatments. As these procedures become more normalized, you may be curious about what plastic surgery can do for you. We’ve compiled some useful information about the three most requested procedures in plastic surgery today.

Plastic Surgery in Glastonbury CT

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck, is useful in removing excess skin and tightening remaining skin in the abdominal area. The procedure is popular among women who find themselves with unsightly skin folds after being pregnant or losing a significant amount of weight. The ideal candidate for this procedure has excess sagging skin they desire to remove, without excess fat deposits in the abdominal region.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is typically regarded as a procedure for women wanting to enlarge their breasts. While not untrue, this procedure can be performed for a number of reasons, such as to replace a breast that is absent, to even out the appearance of asymmetrical breasts, or to correct instances where the breasts do not develop during puberty. The procedure allows you to choose between different implant options, with silicone implants rising in popularity. Many women choose a silicone implant over saline because of the more natural feel and appearance they produce.


Widely regarded as the most popular cosmetic procedure, rhinoplasty is an excellent option for those wishing to reduce the overall size of their nose or refine certain areas for a more aesthetically pleasing effect. The contouring effects of this procedure can bring the most central aspect of our face into balance with its surroundings. Rhinoplasty can also correct structural issues, such as a deviated septum, which may affect the quality of breathing.

Schedule a Plastic Surgery Consultation

The friendly team at Harold E. Beam Plastic Surgery is proud to offer these popular plastic surgery procedures and more to the people of Connecticut. To inquire for more information or to schedule a consult, contact our office today. Dr. Beam’s practice is conveniently located near Glastonbury, Hartford, New Britain, New Haven, and the surrounding areas of Connecticut.

Glastonbury Residents Ask: Can a Breast Lift be Done Without Implants?

Most women that experience pregnancy, weight loss, or loss of skin elasticity due to aging may begin to notice a gradual drooping of their breasts. While breast sagging is entirely natural, this change in a woman’s body may cause discomfort or lower self-esteem. Breast lift surgery is widely-known as an effective procedure to correct this issue, leaving the breasts perkier and more youthful than before. However, many women shy away from this procedure because of concerns over the safety and longevity of breast implants. Luckily, Dr. Harold E. Beam skillfully performs breast lift procedures for women without the use of breast implants.

What Are the Benefits of a Breast Lift?

Many women who are experiencing gradual sagging of their breasts wish to restore them to a more youthful appearance. A breast lift can accomplish this by restoring a fuller, rounder shape to the breasts for a younger, more rejuvenated look.

Breast Lift in Glastonbury, CT

Can a Breast Lift Be Performed Without Breast Implants?

The option to have a breast lift performed with or without a breast augmentation depends on the ultimate goals of the patient. If the patient desires a perkier appearance to her breasts along with more volume, breast augmentation is recommended in conjunction with a breast lift.

However, if she is content with the volume of her breasts, a breast lift alone can be performed. During the procedure, an incision is made around the areola and/or down the front of the breast and breast crease depending on the degree of sagging. The breast is then pulled, tightened, and the nipple and areola are moved to a higher position to reveal perkier breasts with a more pleasing overall shape.

Schedule a Breast Lift Consultation

When performed by an experienced surgeon like Dr. Harold E. Beam, a breast lift procedure can boost a woman’s self-esteem, making her feel more confident and feminine. Dr. Beam and his staff provide breast lift procedures along with other breast enhancing procedures at locations in Glastonbury, Hartford, New Britain, New Haven, and the surrounding areas of Connecticut. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Harold E. Beam, MD plastic surgery today.

Glastonbury Plastic Surgeon Talks About Your Options for Eye Bags

Your eyes are the most expressive area of your face. They convey subliminal messages and emotions, such as anger, sadness, and joy. It comes as no surprise then, that the eyes are the first area of our face that people notice and pay close attention to. In addition to conveying our feelings, the eyes are also a telling sign of our age, appearing tired, older, or angrier as the elasticity in our eyes begins to wane. Our eyes begin to share false messages to others that can leave us feeling insecure or embarrassed. Fortunately, eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a fantastic option for reducing or removing the appearance of heavy bags under the eyes.

How Is Blepharoplasty Performed?

Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular and commonly performed facial procedures in the world of plastic surgery. The procedure is performed by targeting either the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, creating incisions around the natural creases of the eyelid. This technique ensures minimal scarring after the healing process. Your surgeon will then remove any excess tissue and fat before closing up the incisions. Some patients may elect to use injectables to smooth out any remaining fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes after the procedure.

What Can I Expect After Eyelid Surgery?

Many patients regard this procedure as an excellent option for under eye bag correction because of its effectiveness and relatively minimal recovery period. Swelling and bruising following the procedure is common but is typically alleviated after one to two short weeks. In the meantime, your surgeon will prescribe you oral pain medication to mitigate any discomfort you may experience.

Schedule a Blepharoplasty Consultation Today

Dr. Beam of Harold E. Beam Plastic Surgery is Connecticut’s leading plastic surgeon for blepharoplasty procedures. If you live in Glastonbury, Hartford, New Britain, New Haven, and the surrounding areas of Connecticut. Dr. Beam and his friendly team invite you to contact them with any questions regarding your blepharoplasty procedure.

Glastonbury Plastic Surgeon Shares How to Improve Droopy Eyelids, Bags & Dark Circles

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) in Glastonbury, CTThe eyes are the window to the soul. But if you’ve got droopy eyelids, bags, or dark circles under the eyes you may not like what your eyes have to say about you. These problems can make you look tired and older than you really are.

As you age, your skin gradually begins to droop. This is especially evident in the face. Over time, the elasticity in your eyes can reduce, making your eyes appear older and more tired. If you are bothered by drooping eyelids and sagging skin around your eyes, both eyelid surgery and injections can help make your eyes appear more youthful.

Eyelid Surgery in Glastonbury

Also known as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery is a procedure that can be performed on different areas of the eyes – the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids, or both. This surgical procedure can remove excess skin and fat, and it can reposition fat and tighten saggy areas of skin. The incisions are made along the natural curve of your eyelids, so visual scarring is minimal.

Eyelid surgery may be performed for cosmetic reasons, or it may be done to improve one’s sight by lifting droopy eyelids out of the patient’s field of vision. The surgery will make you look more rested and alert.

It is common for blepharoplasty patients to experience some swelling and bruising, but your eyelids should return to normal in about one to two weeks. Since the healing process is gradual, it will take several weeks to see the final results of your surgery. Over the coming months, scars will fade and become barely visible. The results of eyelid surgery are long-lasting, but heredity and lifestyle factors may have an effect. Your skin will continue to age and at some point the droopiness and wrinkles may return.

You may be a good candidate for eyelid surgery if you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms:

  • Excess skin obscuring the natural fold of the upper eyelids
  • Loose, hanging skin on the upper eyelids that could be impairing vision
  • Bags and dark circles under the eyes
  • Sagging of the lower eyelid
  • Excess skin and fine wrinkles on the lower eyelids
  • Puffiness of the upper eyelids

Dermal Fillers in Glastonbury

Injectable fillers can be used to treat the dark circles under your eyes. Juvederm® (formerly known as Perlane®) is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler that is used for treating darker, deeper wrinkles, like under eye hollows. Juvederm Voluma™  is another dermal filler that is used to treat dark circles under the eyes. These dermal fillers provide extra volume to fill in deeper crevices. They will help to remove the creases below the eyelid and significantly reduce the level of dark circles around the eyes.

To find out if blepharoplasty or dermal fillers are right for you, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery is located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, serving residents of Glastonbury, New Britain, New Haven, Hartford and surrounding areas.

Why You Should Be Using Professional Skin Care Products in the Glastonbury Sun

Skin Care Products in Glastonbury, CT

Why should you choose professional skin care products when there are so many options for skin care products over-the-counter? There are so many over the counter choices, and they are typically available at a lower cost than professional skin care products.

Benefits of Professional Skin Care Products

There are many benefits to choosing professional skin care products. One of the biggest is their high quality.

Over the counter skin care products each have an intended purpose. They may fight acne or oily skin, or they may help to reduce lines and wrinkles. But when these products are sold over the counter, they only contain a small amount of the active ingredient that is responsible for accomplishing their purpose. The reason why the over the counter skin care products have only a small amount of the active ingredient is because the product needs to be safely used by all individuals, even those with sensitive skin or other skin issues. But when you buy professional skin care products, you will get a high-quality product with a higher amount of that active ingredient, so you’ll see much better results.

Here’s another benefit of professional skin care products – when you use them, your skin is going to look better. Inexpensive over the counter skin care products contain low-quality ingredients that can sometimes damage your skin. This can cause premature aging, acne and other skin issues to occur. A professional skin care product will give you smooth, radiant skin. Professional products can even help to slow down the aging process.

When you use professional skin care products you will be working with a professional who can recommend the right products for your individual needs. They will understand your skin type and any issues you may have with your skin, and they can match you with the right professional skin care products to help your skin look it’s very best.

Professional skin care products are made in small batches, which helps to maintain the integrity of the ingredients. Also, the product contains smaller molecules so they can better penetrate the skin, yielding better results. When molecules are larger, they can only treat your skin superficially, providing only temporary relief to your skin concerns.

Another concern of professional skin care products is the pH of the skin. Over the counter skin care products don’t take this into consideration and will often leave the skin in an alkaline state, allowing bacteria and free radicals to invade the skin.

To learn more about professional skin care products, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery is located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, serving residents of Glastonbury, New Britain, Hartford and surrounding areas.

What Glastonbury Residents Can Do Right Now to Change How You Age

Dermal Fillers & Injectables in Glastonbury, CT

As we age our bodies change. It’s only natural. But some changes to our outward appearance are more difficult to accept than others. Your face is your most important feature. So when you look in the mirror and you don’t like the reflection staring back at you, it may be time for a change.

As we get older we lose the fat pockets in certain areas of the face – the cheeks, the temples, the forehead, the areas around the eyes, and the areas around the mouth. The result? Facial features that formerly appeared round (like the cheeks) may sink. Other areas of skin that were smooth and tight become loose and saggy.

The lower part of the face has its own unique challenges. These areas tend to become baggy and you may develop “jowls” in the chin and neck area. Wrinkles are another big concern as we age.

Facial changes are unavoidable as we age. But if you’re unhappy with the way your face is aging, there are several things you can do to help you age more gracefully.

The Best Ways to Fight Aging

  • Skincare is so important as you age. It’s very important that you use creams and lotions that are specifically designed to help fight premature aging and skin damage.
  • Sun protection is the best way to keep your youthful appearance. Always wear sunscreen that protects against UVB light, which causes sunburn. Wearing a hat on sunny days is also helpful.
  • Lines and wrinkles can make us look older than we really are. Botox®  injections are a great way to get rid of crow’s feet around the eyes and those expression lines in the forehead and between the eyebrows. The results of your Botox® treatment will last about six months, so you must continue with follow-up procedures to keep up your results.
  • Lines are also created on the face from the natural loss of collagen and fat as we age. Dermal fillers and injectables can help. Second in popularity only to Botox® injections, dermal fillers and injectables are widely used in the U.S. The most popular location for these injections are the nasolabial folds (the pair of lines extending from the nose to the corners of the mouth) and marionette lines (the pair of lines extending from the corners of the mouth to the chin).
  • Thinning lips are another problem we face as we age. Our faces naturally lose volume in certain areas including the lips. Lip injections are a great way to plump up thinning lips and help you to look younger.
  • Skin repair is another important way to fight facial aging. Laser skin rejuvenation will help to get rid of wrinkles, skin discoloration and sunspots, producing an even skin tone and texture. Laser light is directed at the skin to vaporize the outer layers and to reveal the radiant, youthful skin underneath.

To find out more about fighting aging, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery is located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, serving residents of Glastonbury, New Britain, Hartford and surrounding areas.


Harold E. Beam, M.D.

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