Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.

Starting to
see Lines &
wrinkles ?

Its time for
Fillers &


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About America’s Obsession with Lip Injections

America has become obsessed with bigger, fuller lips. Celebrities are leading this obsession, opting for full lips with plenty of volume.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), lip augmentations have fast become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States, second only to dermabrasion procedures.

Yes, America is obsessions with lip injections. The procedure is growing in popularity with both men and women, and every region in the country has seen an increase in the number of lip procedures being performed. In fact, there has been a 1,000 percent increase in the number of lip injections over the past 15 years!

Loss of volume and definition in the lips is one of the first signs of aging. Collagen production in the body decreases as we age, and the skin on and around the lips is particularly susceptible to this part of the aging process because it is constantly in motion. Smoking and sun exposure can also have an impact. But lip injections aren’t just for people of a certain age. In their quest for fuller, plumper lips, more and more young Americans are also undergoing lip injections to help boost their confidence.

Lip Augmentation in Glastonbury, CT

Benefits of Lip Injections

Lip injections can have a very positive impact on your body image. They can help you to feel more self-confident. This procedure can treat wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth, and it can also give the appearance of a fuller lip with more volume.

Getting lip injections is a quick procedure – it can take as little as 30 minutes to perform. And there is no downtime but expect swelling and possibly soreness and swelling.  After the procedure you can resume your regular routine right away.

The results of your lip injections will last for up to 6-12 months. The fact that the results are temporary can also be considered a benefit – if you don’t like the result, the effects will simply wear off over time and your lips will return to their previous shape. But if you are happy with the results of your lip injections, you can continue with maintenance treatments to preserve the appearance of your new lips.

Lip injections are a great way to test the waters and find out whether or not lip enhancement is right for you.

To find out more about lip injections, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery is located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, serving residents of Glastonbury, West Hartford, Vernon, New Britain, Hartford and surrounding areas.

Why I Got Botox® in My 20s and Now 30s

Wrinkles that are caused by muscle movements are called dynamic wrinkles. These are the kind of wrinkles Botox® is used to treat. Botox® is a muscle relaxer that is used to treat wrinkles in the upper part of the face. It is commonly used to treat wrinkles in the forehead, between the eyebrows (glabella area) and around the eyes (crow’s feet).

Botox® is approved for patients 18 years of age and older, but you don’t usually hear about people getting Botox® injections until later in life. They get Botox® injections to treat the lines and wrinkles that naturally occur from aging. But what if you could treat those wrinkles earlier?

Now it’s becoming more and more common to hear about people in their 20s or early 30s getting Botox® injections.

Preventative Botox® Treatments

It’s true. Botox® can be used to treat wrinkles you don’t have yet. Many people decide to take a preventative approach to treating wrinkles with Botox® earlier in life. By starting treatment in your 20s or 30s you can help correct expression related lines before they have the time to become more deeply etched into the skin as wrinkles.

The best time to treat wrinkles is before they happen when they first appear as fine lines on your face. Your cosmetic surgeon or their trained Nurse Practitioner can tell if you need preventative Botox® just by looking at your face.

Botox in Glastonbury, CT

It’s easier and much more effective to inhibit the progression of lines and wrinkles than to take them away once they have fully formed. When you make facial expressions, those repetitive muscle movements can cause lines to start forming early in life. By starting to treat these areas in your 20s/30s, you can train your face not to make these habitual movements, which will reduce the chance that you will develop permanent wrinkles in that area.

Your Treatment Plan

The results of Botox® are not permanent. You will need follow-up treatments to keep up your results. On average, your Botox® treatment can last up to four to six months. So when you begin Botox® treatments in your 20s/30s, you will continue with them into your 30s to maintain your results. And the more often you get Botox® the less of it you will need to achieve the same result.

Should you begin Botox® injections in your 20s or 30s? The choice is yours. If you think you would benefit from preventative Botox® treatments discuss it with your cosmetic surgeon or their trained Nurse Practitioner.

To find out if Botox® is right for you, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery is located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, serving residents of Glastonbury, New Britain, Hartford and surrounding areas.


How Men Can Benefit from MedSpa Services

When you look younger you feel younger. Men want to fight the effects of aging too, giving them a boost to their self-esteem and making them feel more confident.

Men can benefit from many of the same treatments that help women appear younger, so why shouldn’t they? A growing number of men are fighting back against aging with a variety of non-surgical procedures like fillers and injectables. The benefits of these treatments are just as important to men as they are to women, and they are a great benefit in the workplace and in social settings.

Along with injectables, MedSpa services are growing in popularity with men. Here are a few of the services men are choosing to help them gain a more youthful appearance.

Laser Resurfacing

Men no longer have to live with skin spots or an uneven skin tone. Laser resurfacing, also known as a laser peel, is a treatment that is used to resurface damaged skin, producing an evener skin tone. This procedure is very effective in treating lines and wrinkles, acne, age spots, skin discolorations, redness, rosacea and more.

Gynecomastia Surgery in Glastonbury, CT

During the laser skin rejuvenation procedure, laser light is directed at the skin to vaporize the outer layers and to reveal the radiant, youthful skin underneath. This provides a deep cleaning effect, which allows the skin to naturally rejuvenate. The laser also helps to stimulate the growth of new skin cells, which contribute to the formation of healthy skin that lasts.

The procedure is safe and gentle, and there is no downtime. The treatment produces permanent results, however, the aging process will naturally continue to occur over time.

To find out more about MedSpa services for men, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery is located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, serving residents of Glastonbury, West Hartford, Avon, New Britain, Hartford and surrounding areas.

Cosmetic Procedures That Won’t Interfere with Your Summer Plans

Summertime is your time to get out there and have some fun. But summer is not the best time to undergo some plastic surgeries unless you want to spend your vacation time recuperating indoors.

Chemical peels and laser resurfacing are definitely not a good idea during the summer months. That’s because you should not expose treated areas to the sun for more than a month after laser resurfacing.

So, if you’d like to find out what cosmetic procedures won’t interfere with your summer plans, read on.


How would you like to naturally get rid of fat without having to move a muscle? You can, with CoolSculpting®. This safe, non-invasive procedure works by freezing fat cells underneath the skin and it’s great for areas of stubborn fat like the love handles, thighs, abdomen, back and flanks.

Here’s how it works. CoolSculpting® safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to target the fat cells underneath the skin. Treated cells are crystallized and then die. Over time, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells, leaving your body more sculpted. The results are long-term because the procedure removes the fat cells for good without doing any damage to other healthy body cells. It is non-invasive and it leaves no scars.

CoolSculpting® in Glastonbury, CT

There is little to no downtime after treatment, which is different from procedures like liposuction, which is performed under anesthesia and often has a lengthy recovery period. Some patients do experience minor swelling or soreness with CoolSculpting®, so you may need to put your exercise routine on pause for a couple of days.

Dermal Fillers and Injectables

Summertime is a great time to get rid of those lines and wrinkles. You can be treated with Botox® or dermal fillers and it won’t interfere with your summer plans. That’s because there is no downtime for recovery and you don’t have to stay indoors out of the sun to recuperate.

Fillers vs. Botox® – What’s the Difference?

Dermal Fillers & Injectables in Glastonbury, CT

What’s the difference between fillers and Botox®? Have you asked yourself this question?

Let us start by saying that one is not better than the other – they are just used on different parts of the face for different things. Here’s the basic difference. Botox® relaxes the muscle movements that contract to produce wrinkles. Fillers replace volume loss, occupying the space where a wrinkle has formed. They are both good options for treating different problems.

About Botox®

Botox® is a muscle relaxer that is made from bacteria. It works to relax the muscles that deepen wrinkles but it does not add volume. Botox® is a quick, convenient and effective non-surgical remedy for stress and age-related facial lines and wrinkles. It is FDA-approved and entirely safe for cosmetic use. The effects of Botox® are clinically proven to last up to six three months.

Botox® is best used in the upper part of the face, (no coma) for wrinkles on the forehead, between the eye brows, and around the eyes. This is an effective treatment for crow’s feet around the eyes, horizontal worry lines on the forehead and vertical frown lines between the eyebrows.

Botox® injections typically takes less than a 1/2 hour or so to complete, making this procedure one of the most convenient and popular cosmetic treatments available.

About Fillers

Fillers have no muscle relaxing effect. They are used to add volume to the deep wrinkles or volume-depleted areas of the face. Fillers are best used in the lower part of the face – the cheeks, the nasal-labial folds and around the mouth. Filler can also be injected into the lips to add fullness.

There are different types of fillers, including Juvederm® Voluma, Vollure, and Vobella, which increase hydration in the skin. All fillers show immediate results with some improvement over time. The results of filler injections last longer than Botox®. Fillers can last up to one year or more, depending on the type of filler that is being used.

To find out more about Botox® or fillers contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery is located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, serving residents of Glastonbury, New Britain, Vernon, Tolland, and Hartford and surrounding areas.

Is Your Stomach Sagging After Pregnancy? We’ve Got a Solution


During pregnancy your skin must stretch to accommodate a growing baby. But pregnancy can sometimes stretch the abdominal muscles and skin beyond the point where they can return to normal. When this happens, diet and exercise will not be enough to help you regain your pre-pregnancy body. You’re going to need a tummy tuck.

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall. It can dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen, but it will produce a permanent scar that will possibly run from hip to hip.

Body Sculpting in Glastonbury, CT

First, a horizontal incision is made just above the pubic area and a second incision is made around the belly button. Then the skin is lifted, separating it from the abdominal muscles.  If the muscles need to be repaired, Dr. Beam will repair them at the time of the procedure.  Excess fat deposits are removed along with excess skin. A new hole is made for the belly button and the skin is pulled back down over the abdomen.

After a tummy tuck, most patients experience bruising and swelling. You will need to wear a compression garment for approximately 2-4 weeks. You should plan to rest at least one week to 10 days before returning to work.

When Should I Have a Tummy Tuck?

Your body needs time to rebound after childbirth, so wait until after you are done breastfeeding to have your tummy tuck surgery. Also, we typically suggest that you wait until you are done having children.  That is because vertical muscles in the abdomen that are tightened during the surgery can separate again during a subsequent pregnancy. If you have more children after having a tummy tuck you will simply undo all the work you’ve had done.

The tummy tuck is designed to sculpt your midsection, giving you a flatter, slimmer waistline. A tummy tuck cannot correct stretch marks, but the stretch marks may be removed or somewhat improved if they are located in the area of excess skin that will be removed during the tummy tuck surgery.

The final results of your tummy tuck surgery may be obscured at first by some swelling and the inability to stand fully upright until healing is complete, but afterward you will notice a firmer, flatter abdomen.

To find out if a tummy tuck is right for you, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery is located in Glastonbury,

Connecticut, serving residents of Glastonbury, New Britain, Hartford and surrounding areas.

Cosmetic Procedures That Won’t Interfere with Your Summer Plans

Skin Care Products in Glastonbury, CT

Summertime is your time to get out there and have some fun. But summer is not the best time to undergo plastic surgery unless you want to spend your vacation time recuperating indoors. You may think that you can recuperate by the pool or in the backyard shade if you decide to have plastic surgery during the summer months, but this is not recommended because the heat and sun can cause prolonged post-op swelling.

Chemical peels and laser resurfacing are definitely not a good idea during the summer months. That’s because you should not expose treated areas to the sun for more than a month after laser resurfacing.

So, if you’d like to find out what cosmetic procedures won’t interfere with your summer plans, read on.


How would you like to naturally get rid of fat without having to move a muscle? You can, with CoolSculpting®. This safe, non-invasive procedure works by freezing fat cells underneath the skin and it’s great for areas of stubborn fat like the love handles, thighs, abdomen, back and flanks.

Here’s how it works. CoolSculpting® safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to target the fat cells underneath the skin. Treated cells are crystallized and then die. Over time, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells, leaving your body more sculpted. The results are long-term because the procedure removes the fat cells for good without doing any damage to other healthy body cells. It is non-invasive and it leaves no scars.

There is little to no downtime after treatment, which is different from procedures like liposuction, which is performed under anesthesia and often has a lengthy recovery period. Some patients do experience minor swelling or soreness with CoolSculpting®, so you may need to put your exercise routine on pause for a couple of days.

Dermal Fillers and Injectables

Summertime is a great time to get rid of those lines and wrinkles. You can be treated with Botox® or dermal fillers and it won’t interfere with your summer plans. That’s because there is no downtime for recovery and you don’t have to stay indoors out of the sun to recuperate.

Botox® is one of the world’s most popular cosmetic procedures. It is safe and it can be done quickly with no downtime for recovery. This is a great choice for treating wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, or for crow’s feet around the eyes. The results are seen in 3-14 days and will last up to three to six months.

Dermal fillers can add volume to deep wrinkles or to areas of the face where volume is depleted. Dermal fillers are typically injected into the lower part of the face – the cheeks, the nasal-labial folds and the areas around the mouth. Fillers can also be injected into the lips for more fullness. The results are immediate and will last up to 6 months sometimes longer. There is no downtime for recovery but some people do get slight bruising.  We recommend that you do not take aspirin or ibuprofen 2 weeks prior to your injection to help eliminate bruising.

To find out if these cosmetic procedures are right for you, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery is located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, serving residents of Glastonbury, New Britain, Vernon, Tolland, Hartford and surrounding areas.

Breast Reduction vs. Breast Lift: Determining What’s Right for You

Breast Reduction in Glastonbury, CTWhile breast augmentation continues to be the most popular plastic surgery in the U.S., many women want to reduce the size of their breasts or to reposition their breasts without making them larger.

So which procedure is right for you – breast reduction or a breast lift?

These procedures have several things in common as well as several differences. Both procedures are routine and most women who undergo these procedures are happy with the outcome.

The choice of which procedure to choose is based entirely on the result you want to achieve. To make the best possible decision for you, it is important to understand the difference between the two procedures.

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery can reduce your breast size by removing excess breast tissue. This procedure removes the excess skin, fat and glandular tissue. The result is a breast size that is more desirable to the patient. It can also help to eliminate the pain and discomfort that often comes from large breasts.

To find out if a breast reduction is right for you, ask yourself a few questions.

  • Are you bothered by the appearance of your large breasts?
  • Do your breasts feel too heavy?
  • Do you get grooves along your shoulders from wearing a bra?
  • Are your breasts causing you to experience neck, back or shoulder pain?
  • Do you get irritation under your breast crease?
  • Do your breasts limit your physical activity?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, a breast reduction may be right for you.

Many times a breast reduction is covered under your insurance if you are having back, neck, shoulder and/or breast pain. You would need documentation indicating any pretreatment that you have had (ex: physical therapy, weight loss, seen a chiropractor…). We suggest that you contact your insurance company to see if a breast reduction surgery is covered under your policy and what is recommended prior to surgery to get the surgery covered.

Breast Lift

The objective of a breast lift is to improve the shape of the breasts, especially if they are sagging. This can happen from pregnancy, breastfeeding or aging. This procedure also corrects the position of the nipples when they are pointing downward.

Unlike a breast reduction, a breast lift does not make the breasts smaller. A breast lift repositions the breasts, raising and firming them. This is achieved by removing excess skin and tightening the tissue, resulting in firmer, higher, perkier breasts.

To determine if a breast lift is right for you, examine your breasts.

  • Do they look elongated or flat?
  • Do your nipples drop lower than your breast crease?
  • Are your areolas or nipples pointing downward?

If you answered “yes,” a breast lift could be the answer.

Only your plastic surgeon can help you to determine what procedure is right for you. Schedule a consultation to discuss your issues.

To find out if a breast reduction or breast lift is right for you, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery is located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, serving residents of Glastonbury, New Britain, Hartford, Vernon, Tolland and surrounding areas.

Considering a Mommy Makeover? Get the Scoop!

Dermal Fillers & Injectables in Glastonbury, CT

Many women experience drastic changes in their bodies – including weight gain, stretch marks, and sagging breasts – after having a child. It can be difficult to lose this weight and return to your pre-baby body. Dr. Beam offers mommy makeover procedures to new mothers looking to restore their pre-body physique.

Mommy Makeover 411

A mommy makeover is a customized procedure that combines several treatments and/or surgeries to contour and rejuvenate the body following pregnancy and/or dramatic weight loss. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can have a significant impact on the body, particularly the abdomen and the breasts. Many women find it incredibly difficult to regain their pre-baby body. A mommy makeover can assist in improving a new mother’s figure. The mommy makeover often includes any combination of these procedures:

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Reduction
  • Breast Lift
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Liposuction
  • Dermal Fillers and Injectables

Are You a Good Candidate for Mommy Makeover Surgery?

Women who wish to return to their pre-baby body or women that have experienced drastic weight loss are good candidates for a mommy makeover. The most common procedures new mothers seek are breast lifts and/or breast augmentations since breasts enlarge rapidly during pregnancy, resulting in sagging, loss of volume, and loose skin. Women who have experienced drastic weight loss will notice similar changes in their breasts. The mommy makeover procedure can be customized to your needs and Dr. Beam and his team will assess your individual goals and body to help you achieve the results you desire.

If you’re ready to take the next step in restoring your pre-baby body or have questions about the mommy makeover, Dr. Beam serves patients in Glastonbury, New Britain, Hartford and surrounding areas of Connecticut. We also serve patients in the Massachusetts, Lon Meadow, Springfield, Holyoke, Agawam and Westfield areas. Contact Dr. Beam today to schedule your consultation!

CoolSculpting® vs. Tummy Tuck: What is Right for Me?

CoolSculpting® in Glastonbury, CT

If you have stubborn fat deposits in your midsection that won’t go away with dieting and exercise you should know about CoolSculpting® and tummy tucks. Dr. Beam offers CoolSculpting® and tummy tuck surgery to patients looking to slim down their midsection and get rid of stubborn fat.

About CoolSculpting®

CoolSculpting® is an in-office cosmetic procedure that safely eliminates stubborn body fat. Using a controlled cooling method, fat cells are frozen and killed from within the body. The body’s natural healing process gets rid of these dead fat cells, so they are gone for good. CoolSculpting® is non-invasive and requires no anesthesia or downtime.

About Tummy Tuck Surgery

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that sculpts the waistline and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall. A tummy tuck removes fat and tightens the skin of the abdomen. During the surgery, incisions are made and excessive skin and fat are removed and the abdominal muscles tightened.

CoolSculpting® vs. Tummy Tuck

There are several key differences between CoolSculpting® and tummy tucks. The differences can be separated into a few categories:

Treatment Area and Effectiveness

  • CoolSculpting® can be performed on a number of areas on the body such as the abdomen, buttocks, hips, arms, and thighs. However, CoolSculpting® is not a transformative surgery, and it does not tighten skin in the way that surgery does.
  • Tummy tuck surgery focuses only on the stomach and abdomen area. A tummy tuck achieves more drastic results and tightens the abdomen.

Pain Level

  • CoolSculpting® is noninvasive, incision-free, requires no anesthesia and is virtually painless. The treatment time is approximately one hour per session.
  • Tummy tucks are invasive surgery, requiring an incision and anesthesia. Although your pain is managed, patients should expect pain that is synonymous with surgery. Tummy tuck surgery can take approximately three to four hours.

Recovery and Downtime

  • After a CoolScuplting® treatment patients return home the same day as the treatment and return to regular activates immediately. Full results can be enjoyed approximately 12 weeks after the last session.
  • The recovery period after a tummy tuck can take several weeks. On average, most patients can return to work in three to four weeks and resume exercise in six to eight weeks. Results will be fully visible in two to three months.

If you think that CoolSculpting® or a tummy tuck may be right for you or you have additional questions, Dr. Beam serves patients in Glastonbury, New Britain, Hartford and surrounding areas of Connecticut. Contact Dr. Beam today to schedule your consultation!


Harold E. Beam, M.D.

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