How Do I Know If I Need a Breast Lift or an Augmentation?

Breast Lift in Glastonbury, CT

Dr. Beam can help determine whether a breast lift or breast augmentation would be better for our patients, but we feel it helps if our patients feel as confident in our decision as we do. Explaining the differences between the two surgeries and the benefits that go along with them helps in this process.

About Breast Lifts

Breast lifts are perfect for the patient who is not concerned with the size or shape of their breast, simply the perkiness of them. Breast sag is common in women who have gone through a significant change in weight, or those who have recently given birth. It is also natural in more mature women whose breasts have been fighting against gravity.

Breast lifts provide a perkier breast in many different ways. Typically, the incision only needs to be made around the areola and down the front of the breast.

Recovery post breast lift is relatively shorter than an augmentation. Our office will prescribe oral pain medication for patients to take post-operation to help comfort them. Support bras are needed as well to help with the swelling that may occur. You may be able to speed up recovery by changing bandages regularly, taking the prescribed medication, and keeping up with your follow-up appointments.

About Breast Augmentations

Breast augmentations are the ideal type of procedure for women who are looking to change their breast shape or size. There are three types of incisions that our office offers, and each slightly impacts the location of the scar and the type of implant available.

Breast augmentations allow our patients to improve their self-image and increase their self-esteem. For women with larger breasts, the medical benefits include decreased back pains and better posture. It is also a helpful procedure for women whose breasts have shrunk or enlarged post pregnancy or after significant weight loss or gain.

If you are interested in learning more about a breast lift or a breast augmentation, contact our office today. Dr. Beam can provide a professional opinion regarding which surgical approach is your best match based on your goals and overall health.