Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.

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Residents Ask: Is Eyelids Surgery Right for Me?

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) in Glastonbury, CTThe eyes play a surprising role in the overall youthfulness and appearance of the face. As we age, the eyelids begin to droop and sag. As a result, many people notice that they look unusually tired or angry. It can be a frustrating part of aging, but like other signs of aging, it can be treated! Eyelid surgery can rejuvenate the eyes and restore youthfulness to the face. But, this treatment might not be right for everybody – so let’s take a closer look and find it if eyelid surgery is right for you.

Upper vs. Lower Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can be performed on either the upper or lower eyelids. Some patients find that their upper eyelids begin to sag, interfering with their field of vision. The lower eyelids, however, are more responsible for cosmetic changes. Their sagging is responsible for the tired or aged facial appearance. Not every patient experiences both of these symptoms at once. Don’t worry, though, if you do, techniques can be combined to provide a full eyelid surgery. This is just one factor you need to consider before pursuing treatment.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery

Nowadays, surgery is a very safe and comfortable experience for patients, even when it involves the eyelids. The part you need to be prepared for is the recovery period. Eyelid surgery will cause some swelling and discomfort around the eyes for several days following surgery. Some patients also experience blurred vision, which is why we recommend that patients take about a week off of all activities to rest. It is important that patients have realistic expectations about their recovery, as you have to take many precautions before surgery so that you can recuperate safely and successfully.

Talk To Your Surgeon

The changes in your eyelids may be a result of factors outside of aging. In these cases, there may be other treatment options besides eyelid surgery. The best way to determine if eyelid surgery is right for you is to talk to a plastic surgeon like Harold E. Beam, MD. Dr. Beam can help you determine the best path forward and outline a specific plan so that you can enjoy a safe and successful eyelid surgery. To learn more or to schedule your consultation at our practice, contact us today.

Glastonbury Plastic Surgeon Talks About Your Options for Eye Bags

Your eyes are the most expressive area of your face. They convey subliminal messages and emotions, such as anger, sadness, and joy. It comes as no surprise then, that the eyes are the first area of our face that people notice and pay close attention to. In addition to conveying our feelings, the eyes are also a telling sign of our age, appearing tired, older, or angrier as the elasticity in our eyes begins to wane. Our eyes begin to share false messages to others that can leave us feeling insecure or embarrassed. Fortunately, eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a fantastic option for reducing or removing the appearance of heavy bags under the eyes.

How Is Blepharoplasty Performed?

Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular and commonly performed facial procedures in the world of plastic surgery. The procedure is performed by targeting either the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, creating incisions around the natural creases of the eyelid. This technique ensures minimal scarring after the healing process. Your surgeon will then remove any excess tissue and fat before closing up the incisions. Some patients may elect to use injectables to smooth out any remaining fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes after the procedure.

What Can I Expect After Eyelid Surgery?

Many patients regard this procedure as an excellent option for under eye bag correction because of its effectiveness and relatively minimal recovery period. Swelling and bruising following the procedure is common but is typically alleviated after one to two short weeks. In the meantime, your surgeon will prescribe you oral pain medication to mitigate any discomfort you may experience.

Schedule a Blepharoplasty Consultation Today

Dr. Beam of Harold E. Beam Plastic Surgery is Connecticut’s leading plastic surgeon for blepharoplasty procedures. If you live in Glastonbury, Hartford, New Britain, New Haven, and the surrounding areas of Connecticut. Dr. Beam and his friendly team invite you to contact them with any questions regarding your blepharoplasty procedure.

Harold E. Beam, M.D.

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