Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.

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Liposuction: Gain Your Confidence Back This Holiday Season

Liposuction in Glastonbury, CTThe holiday season is when the effects of weight gain become all too obvious.  If you would like to look and feel your best for all the upcoming events on your social calendar, it may be time to consider liposuction. Liposuction performed by Dr. Harold E. Beam provides those in Glastonbury and the surrounding areas with a new outlook on life.

Why Choose Liposuction?

If you have met or are close to your weight loss goals after dieting, exercising and changing your life style, yet still have stubborn pockets of fat that do not seem to go away no matter how hard you try, you could notice the following benefits from undergoing liposuction:

  • Improved self-esteem – By eliminating problem areas through liposuction, you’ll feel more confident, and won’t be nearly as worried about throwing on that “little black dress.”
  • Better body proportions – Many trouble spots including the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks can be eliminated through liposuction, giving you better overall proportions. As a result, you are more likely to be satisfied with your shape.
  • Lowered fat production – Liposuction actually removes fat cells, which cannot be reproduced by your body once they are eliminated. Your remaining fat cells may increase in size, but should not return to the area from which they were originally removed but you still have to a healthy diet and exercise.

Liposuction and Exercise: Working Together to Ensure your Best Body

Liposuction is not intended to offset a healthy lifestyle, but rather to complement your diet and exercise efforts. If you are committed to working out and maintaining the right weight, you can notice some tremendous, long-term benefits from undergoing liposuction. It’s time to stop being frustrated at your lack of results and contact Dr. Beam today to schedule your consultation.

Harold E. Beam, M.D.

CALL TODAY to schedule a consultation

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