Loose Skin Solutions in Glastonbury, CT

Tummy Tuck in Glastonbury, CTLoose skin can be incredibly frustrating for those who experience it. Whether you find yourself with loose skin as a result of aging, pregnancy, or a successful weight loss regimen, you can easily become discouraged. Sagging skin and fatty deposits often do not respond to diet and exercise, and it can be a real problem for your self-image. Luckily, there are options available for those with troublesome loose skin in the Hartford area.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a procedure that is designed to sculpt your midsection for a flatter, slimmer waistline. During the procedure, Dr. Beam will make a gently curved incision horizontally along the lower abdomen. The length of the scar depends on how much excess skin needs to be removed. Through this incision, excessive fat is removed and the underlying muscles are tightened. The excess skin is then removed. The result is a trimmer, more sculpted waistline.


Liposuction has long been one of the most utilized procedures for people who desire a trimmer silhouette in certain areas. During liposuction, the area is injected with a solution that will loosen the fat cells and numb the area. A hollow needle is then inserted and suction is utilized to remove the fat. At times, patients will often combine liposuction with a tummy tuck for a more comprehensive result.


For a non-surgical option, CoolSculpting® is an FDA-approved treatment that freezes away stubborn fat deposits. Targeting only fat cells, CoolSculpting® involves no incisions, no injections, and no anesthetics. The procedure involves clamping a section of fat and freezing it from outside the body. Once the cells have been treated, your body will naturally eliminate the frozen, dead cells. This procedure is performed in the office, typically it requires more than one treatment.

To find out which procedure is right for you, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Dr. Beam serves the Glastonbury, Hartford, New London, and Tolland, Connecticut areas.