Breast Augmentation Options: Which One Is Right for You?

Breast Augmentation in Glastonbury, CT

Breast augmentations continue to be one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Every patient at Harold E. Beam, MD receives an individualized breast augmentation treatment plan. Choosing the type of incision is part of this plan. The incision type depends on the goals, needs, and anatomy of the patient and thus varies from woman to woman.

About Periareolar Incisions

Periareolar incisions are made on the outer edge of the areola, which is more commonly known as the ring of skin around the nipple. This allows the implant to be placed above or below the muscles, which allows the patient to decide how the implant will settle on their chest. Another benefit of this type of incision is that it can be used with any type of implant, so the patient can have a wider range of comfortable costs. This type of incision is best used for a constricted breast.

About Transaxillary Incisions

Transaxillary incisions are made in the armpit, in the natural skin fold that occurs there, allowing the scar to be in a more discrete location. The “hidden” scar is preferable for patients who spend more time in swimwear, or outside. Both saline and silicone implants can be used with this type of incision, but saline is preferred due to its ability to be inserted during the procedure and filled afterward. Filling the implant after insertion enables the incision to be small and discrete. For female patients looking to grow their family and breastfeed in the future, this incision style may be preferable because it allows the mammary gland to remain intact.

About Inframammary Incision

Inframammary incisions are made in the crease beneath the breast, which means Dr. Beam will have the optimum amount of control when placing the implant. Inframammary incisions are preferred by many patients because the scar can be hidden by the breast itself. This technique also offers the optimal amount of protection for our patients because Dr. Beam will have more control over bleeding and other side effects of surgery. Another added benefit is conservation of the nerves in the nipple.

If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentations are our office contact Dr. Beam today to schedule a consultation.